Monday 5 December 2016

Tie Fighter - Texturing

I have completed the texture for my tie fighter, the only tools I used for this was the assign new material tool to add new materials onto my fighter. The cockpit was done the same as my shuttle by using a Phong E material and adjusting the specular shading and reflectivity of the faces to create a nice shine. The wing panels were made using the Lambert material, I chose this as it has a slight amount of reflectivity to them but nowhere near as much as the Phong E used for the cockpit. The reactor and engines glow was achieved by assigning a  new Lambert material and going into the materials special effects tab and increasing the glow intensity to get the desired look.

Overall I am very happy with the outcome of this for its simplicity, I feel like it is very close to what it should look like. One thing I could perhaps improve is adding in some textures onto the main body and the detail on the structural pylons, however I do not think that this would be necessary at this time. Other things I would like to change is the overall colour of the fighter to a more blueish grey and adding in another texture to the wing panels to add a grill like effect to them.

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