Thursday, 15 December 2016

Animation - Scene 3

The last scene of my animation required me to create a shuttle with 2 tie fighters as an escort and have them fly out of my Star Destroyer over to a larger fleet of Destroyers. I did this in a similar way to the group of tie fighters in the previous scene, importing the models in and scaling them appropriately.Then creating the motion path and changing the amount of frames that it would last for and changing the speed the shuttle flies at in the graph editor, I also had to adjust the position of the curve nodes occasionally using the 2D view modes. When I had finished the scene I realised that there was a bit of a problem, the tie fighters that arrived in the previous scene just stayed there at the end of the animation and the shuttle with its escort were already in view waiting to come out of the Star Destroyer in the distance. I solved this using Keyframes and the Hide function so that at the end of the fie fighters animation they would disappear and the shuttle and new fighters would appear this made the whole animation look a lot smoother. When I did a test animation of the final scene the hangar looked very dark and you could hardly make out any of the detail, so in order to fix this I inserted 2 point lights into the hangar to illuminate the detail as well as the shuttle when it was just leaving the hangar.

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