For my shuttle I looked up a reference image that I could use to base my texture on, the first thing that I noticed was that the shuttle was very bland like most imperial ships and would probably not require complex texturing due to the 3D details that I added onto the wings. I started by taking the whole shuttle and editing the parameters of the default Lambert material in order to make the whole ship a lighter colour to better resemble my reference image.
Next I started work on the cockpit, I selected the 3 faces that made up my cockpit and added a new Phong E material as this came with specular shading options that I could use to reflect light off the cockpit.
I then moved on to the engines, for this I created a new plane primitive and inserted it into the engine bay and added a new lambert material to it. In the lamberts settings I changed the colour to match the shuttles engine colour in the films and changed the glow intensity in order to give off a nice engine glow.
The last part of my texturing involved darkening certain parts of the wings and front of the body, this was done in the same way as the cockpit, by selecting the required faces and editing the lamberts colour to one darker than the rest of the ship.
After I had done all of this I felt like the texture was good enough to move onto my other models, I am happy with the way it turned out as it looks very similar to my reference image however there are a few minor details that I could add, such as darkening some parts of the wings and the cannon housings.
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