Sunday 6 November 2016

In-Class Exercise 4

For this exercise I had to model a derelict village with at least one building with an interior. I started working on a village church to start off, these practical exercises are not meant to be too time consuming and getting about halfway through my church realised that I would not be able to do a full village without spending too much time on it. The align tool came in handy to get all my primitives shapes exactly where I wanted them and I used the extrude tool a lot in order to pull out some detail in order to create the pillars around the church and the gate. The Boolean difference tool was also very useful in creating the curved shape on top of the gate and cutting away the interior of the church. Overall I feel that this exercise has helped me to better understand some of the basic tools in Maya, but despite being basic they have been crucial to creating my models so far.

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