Tuesday 25 October 2016

Tie Fighter Practice

I have started work on a practice model of my tie fighter model this morning, I have completed the basic shape and a little bit of basic detail of the wings. Currently it has taken around 2 hours which is longer than expected, this was mainly due to trying to figure out the best methods to create the shapes that I wanted. Thankfully apart from that there have been no problems with creating what I needed once I figured out what tools to use and how to go about doing it, admittedly a lot of this was down to trial and error. One minor annoyance that keeps cropping up is my inability to align and snap different shapes to each other at times, to rectify this I aim to do some more research on the various snap to and alignment tools available in Maya 2016. Overall I think this practice run has helped me to better understand a way to create my tie fighter.

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