Monday 10 October 2016

A great website for viewing models

Whilst I was looking for an image of an Imperial Star Destroyer I realised that it would be rather difficult to view all the details from the angles that I wanted, with this problem in mind I went about trying to find somewhere that I could view a 3D image of the ships that I wanted to create. I eventually found a the website Sketchfab ( and it was exactly what I was looking for.

The website allows anyone to post a 3D image of anything they create and I was quickly able to find an Imperial Star Destroyer, being able to rotate and zoom around the ship I could much more easily get an understanding of the depth and detail of the ship and using this as my reference point I got to work attempting to create a basic model of the ship. I would recommend this website to anyone who is attempting to model something and needs a point of reference to get a better idea of what it looks like.

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