Hello and welcome to my blog, my name is Kain Foottit and I am a second year student on the Computer Games Technology course at Anglia Ruskin University. One of my modules this year is 3D Modelling and Animation, hence the blog title, for this I have been tasked with creating 3 models of spaceships from Star Wars and then texturing them and making a short 30 second animation.
The three models I am planning to create are an Imperial Star Destroyer, a Tie Fighter and an Imperial Shuttle. I will be posting a image shortly showing these ships from multiple angles along with a short storyboard/plot for the animation I will be creating.
The software I will be using for this project is Maya 2016, I have no previous experience of 3D modelling or using Maya so I have a lot to learn in a fairly short amount of time. I will be posting any of the work I do in my practical sessions to my blog showcasing what I have learned and managed to achieve, I will also be posting any progress made on creating my 3 models for the project.